As far as Wii games go, The Conduit is probably it's most high anticipated so far because for the first time, a company seemed to be putting real effort into a game. At E3 2008, people mistook it for a developing Xbox 360 game. High Voltage and Sega were putting time and effort into the games control, sound, graphics, gameplay, and online connectivity, even making use of the Wii's WiiSpeak. Now let's look at it....
The campaign is way too short, but VERY well done. With the exception of the original Halo, it's probably my favorite FPS single player. It has the one thing that people nowadays seem to CRAVE in FPS games; useless achievements that don't unlock anything and mean absolutely nothing. It's also got some useful things, too; you can unlock single player cheats by completing certain goals.
The use of WiiSpeak for the wifi battles is...a stretch. Oh, it has WiiSpeak support...if you have the other person's friend code. Yeah. Why the hell do I need someone's friend code just to talk to them? I mean, granted, I don't have whiny 9 year olds plaguing my games like one sees on Xbox Live, but still, a voice chat option would be nice (I've had the game for four months and NEVER used WiiSpeak). It's just embarrassing and disappointing.
The online play is....well, it's barely playable. It takes way longer than most games just to connect to the NWC, and when you finally do connect to the internet and try to find a game, it takes an EON to find a game, another eon to connect to the game, and when you do connect to a game, it's not at all uncommon for the game to glitch out and not let you do anything until you reset Wii, though this seems to happen more if you search for a "Worldwide" game as opposed to a "Regional" game.
Another problem is hacking. Now, I hate kids who "cry hacks," but if I look at you, throw two frag grenades at you, stick you with two radiation grenades, and unload a couple hundred MP5 bullets to your head and you don't lose ANY health at all, you're obviously hacking; when you finish a game with a score of 108-0 when the next highest score is 47-28, there's something wrong. I'm not going to whine about the hit detection system like a lot of whiny n00bs do, but there's just something about playing online that I don't know if I'm used to Call of Duty's "cliking" everytime I hit someone, but it just "Off" really is the best way I think of to describe it.
So yeah, don't get me wrong; The Conduit's a really good game, but it's not at all what I was expecting for this Wii-exclusive FPS that High Voltage spent so long designing.
The campaign is way too short, but VERY well done. With the exception of the original Halo, it's probably my favorite FPS single player. It has the one thing that people nowadays seem to CRAVE in FPS games; useless achievements that don't unlock anything and mean absolutely nothing. It's also got some useful things, too; you can unlock single player cheats by completing certain goals.
The use of WiiSpeak for the wifi battles is...a stretch. Oh, it has WiiSpeak support...if you have the other person's friend code. Yeah. Why the hell do I need someone's friend code just to talk to them? I mean, granted, I don't have whiny 9 year olds plaguing my games like one sees on Xbox Live, but still, a voice chat option would be nice (I've had the game for four months and NEVER used WiiSpeak). It's just embarrassing and disappointing.
The online play is....well, it's barely playable. It takes way longer than most games just to connect to the NWC, and when you finally do connect to the internet and try to find a game, it takes an EON to find a game, another eon to connect to the game, and when you do connect to a game, it's not at all uncommon for the game to glitch out and not let you do anything until you reset Wii, though this seems to happen more if you search for a "Worldwide" game as opposed to a "Regional" game.
Another problem is hacking. Now, I hate kids who "cry hacks," but if I look at you, throw two frag grenades at you, stick you with two radiation grenades, and unload a couple hundred MP5 bullets to your head and you don't lose ANY health at all, you're obviously hacking; when you finish a game with a score of 108-0 when the next highest score is 47-28, there's something wrong. I'm not going to whine about the hit detection system like a lot of whiny n00bs do, but there's just something about playing online that I don't know if I'm used to Call of Duty's "cliking" everytime I hit someone, but it just "Off" really is the best way I think of to describe it.
So yeah, don't get me wrong; The Conduit's a really good game, but it's not at all what I was expecting for this Wii-exclusive FPS that High Voltage spent so long designing.
Presentation: 9.5 - The Conduit had a LOT of hype prior to its release, and the box art is amazing. The start up is cool, and the backstory is really interesting, though a bit cliché.
Graphics: 8 - The graphics are CERTAINLY not what I had expected based on what I had heard about its E3 2008 preview, but for the Wii, they're still pretty good. Not what I wanted, but pretty good.
Sound: 6 - The sound isn't bad....but it isn't astounding. The sound effects are pretty good, but there's nothing distinctly "Conduit" like Halo's grunt squeals.
Gameplay: 7 - I'd give the single player gameplay a 9 and the wifi gameplay a 5; that averages to 7. The campaign is outstanding, but the wifi is really just pathetic and a joke.
Lasting Appeal: 8 - The wifi play has absolutely no lasting appeal except to give you something to hate. The campaign, however, is amazing, and you'll play through it numerous times.
Overall - 8